Doctor in Istorie

Daca divinul Dante, la mijlocul vietii lui, intra intr-o padure intunecata, eu sper ca am iesit din ea dupa ce joi, 02.03.2023, am avut onoarea de a fi declarat Doctor in Istorie, Summa cum laude, la Universitatea din Bucuresti, in urma sustinerii tezei “Mituri, eroi, sportivi in Romania contemporana. Studiu de caz: Simona Halep”, conducator de doctorat prof. univ. dr. Mirela-Luminita Murgescu. O calatorie grea, dar trebuie sa treci prin Infern ca sa gusti Paradisul.

If the divine Dante, in the middle of his life, entered a dark forest, I hope I came out of it after having had the honor, on Thursday 2 March 2023, to be declared Doctor in History (with the qualification “Excellent”), at the University of Bucharest, following the defense of my thesis “Myths, heroes, athletes in contemporary Romania. Case Study: Simona Halep”, PhD supervisor Univ. Prof. Mirela-Luminita Murgescu. It was a tough journey, but one has to go through Hell to taste Paradise.